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Executive Leadership Coaching

Supporting professional development throughout all levels in your organization.

My Offer

What I bring to the table as an Ontological & Ecological Executive Coach that specializes in Cognitive Behavior is this: Supporting your organization, management, and staff in transformative leadership skills so there is sustainable change and systemic shifts for realizing their full potential, personally and professionally. I strongly believe that by co-creating new awareness within your management and staff, it can open up more doors for limitless possibilities.


Coaching Objectives:

  • Focus on 3-12 month leadership goals

  • Support and train management & staff on stress & stress-reduction

  • Cultivate and refine teamwork, collaboration & communication style

  • Customize a measurable plan, a “blueprint” of vision, goals, actions and practices

  • Align the executive board with the company’s vision, values, missions & objectives


What Clients Say They Achieve:

  • Improved leadership skills, confidence and performance

  • Improved mindset, emotional intelligence and agility, and greater ease navigating challenges

  • Empowered and well-equipped tools to manage challenges and conflicts

  • Greater creativity, productivity, innovation, and sense of morale and connection

  • Decreased stress, anxiety, and burnout

Read more about how coaching can benefit your organization by reading the following article: Coaching can help support your workforce to adopt a new way of working by Magdalena Nowicka Mook, CEO, International Coaching Federation

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